
What Kinds Of Reports You Can Take Advantage From Price Per Head?

Congratulations that you have chosen the best Pay Per Head solution for your bookie business! We offer the best bookie software on the market and an amazing support team of professional experts with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. Besides, we can assure you that there is no better software tool with all the complete features like ours in existence. Moreover, Price Per Head not only provides the customizable tool that you can have to monitor and control your players’ accounts, but also supplies a tons of useful reports for you to analyze your business. Now it’s time to learn more about what kinds of reports you can take advantage from


You can control the weekly House figures by comparing agents and agents vs. players’ weekly figures.


You can find the list of players or sub-agents for management which allows you to edit any profile information or even configure their accounts.

Line and Exposure:

This report shows live lines and the current monetary exposure of each game you have. In addition, it also shows side by side, totals, money lines and propositions together with the detailed description for each line of game.

Real Time Betting:

It is the feature for agents to review all betting actions in real time and it’s also customizable for refresh time, bet history and wager detailing.

Open Bets:

This option would demonstrate all the pending plays of all your active players and it can be filtered by sport, type of bet or player name for better result.


History is designed to display the detailed betting activities from your current players such as wager types, date, amount, result and via phone or Internet while your player placed the bets.


This option will display each of your player’s credit limit, amount wagered for the week, wagers at risk, current balance and won/lost in all games.

Cash Flow:

This report provides the information about players’ cash transactions and it’s displayed by player, placed date, method, reference, transaction description and amount. Actually, it is commonly used for receipts, disbursements and cash transfers.

Hold Percentage:

This report displays the gross amount made by the agent from his/her players or sub-agents. Besides, it provides the percentage made from the players action with detailed information included like wager types, amount, win/loss for the week and hold percentage for the agent.

Hold Percentage by Player:

This report is very similar to the Hold Percentage but displays the specific amount of predetermined players. In fact, such feature is useful to monitor the action on any number of specific players.

Agent Position:

This feature reports the monetary exposure you have on all the games on board for the week.

Position by Game:

This report is very similar to the Agent Position but will display the wager types, amount and players on action from the specific chosen game.

Handle Setup:

This option allows you to give your players and sub-agents a kickback or a percentage of their losses on a weekly basis. In addition, it is customizable for you to set up the percentage to any specific player or sub-agent that you want to return over their overall action.


This report will show the detailed corresponding percentage that each of your players and sub-agents receives on a weekly basis, broken down for you on a daily basis.

Agent Exposure by Game:

This feature allows the agent to check on the total amount of action per game on a per wager basis and also shows the game, the type, the time and amount that your players wagered.

Action by Player:

This option will fully show the amount of actions taken by your players on a weekly basis, a breakdown of the type and amount of the wagers placed by the player, and also any casino or horse action along with the outcome for that week.   

Player Totals:

This report detailly presents the totals on a weekly basis for all your players on the pending and graded wagers along with the losses for the week, and also the current and net balance shown for the players account.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


What Should A Good Pay Per Head Solution Offer

The key to have a successful bookmaking business is to find the correct Pay Per Head company to work with. In fact, what a Pay Per Head solution could offer really matters because the software platform is supposed to be designed to support your business. However, not all the Pay Per Head solutions can properly fulfill customers’ needs. Since the bookmaking industry becomes even more competitive each day, selecting a good bookie management software turns to be the most important task that you have to do before starting out. Therefore, this is why you need to learn what a good Pay Per Head solution should offer and the following is the list that we have prepared for you.

Data Security

First of all, to have a secured system to protect all agents and players’ data is highly important. Actually, this is the first element that you should consider to partner with a company who uses data encryption and state-of-the-art security technology. So, you could have a safe environment to protect your business and any kind of personal sensitive information.


In order to bring in more new players and retain good customers for your business, it’s necessary to have a great variety of betting games like sportsbook, horse racing, online casino, live betting, etc. In addition, the platform whether supporting different types of wagers such as alternative lines, props, futures, live betting and else should also be considered to ensure the better operation of the business.

Customizable features

Having the options to customize your own website can allow you to promote your business in a professional way. Besides, you can also choose which features you want to offer your customers in your style for major convenience. As a result, both of you and your players will be extremely satisfied since all kinds of betting needs can be effectively fulfilled by having a good personalized gear.

24/7 Stability and Support

A good pay per head solution should offer the stable and speedy lines as the basic equipment. Besides, providing a 24/7 customer support with experienced staff can make a great help for bookie business. Indeed, such professional assistance would help you to save a lot of time from handling customers and then you can focus on expending the business and make more money.

Compatibility with all devices

Then, choosing the pay per head solution which is compatible with all kinds of devices is a need for current tendency of technology since nowadays people use different operating system such as iOS, Android, MacOS or Windows to do online business. If it’s not compatible with any of these mentioned systems, people would find uncomfortable and difficult to continue betting in your site and you will lose customers after that.  

Accurate and Instant Grading

Finally, a good Pay Per Head solution should contain the feature of instant grading with total accuracy. Which shows the high professionalism of your business and also allows your players to know their balance in real time.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


What Are Possible Reasons That Players Stop Betting With You?

We know that you have been working hard on building your bookmaking business; however, things are probably not going smoothly as you thought. Now, it’s time to make a self-check and ask yourself, what are the possible reasons that my players stop betting with me? Here are some useful questions provided to guide you to find the roots of problem to solve.

1. Does your pay per head provider perform as expected?

Choosing a correct Pay Per Head company to support your business is just as important as selecting a partner to marry with. In other words, a wrong-chosen pay per head service can do more harm to your business than good. Therefore, you should pay more attention on the features that they offer to the customers.

2. So, what should a good Pay Per Head service guarantee?

Your Pay Per Head provide should at least guarantee the following aspects in order to ensure the good operation of your bookie business:

  • A quick loading and stable website
  • 99.99% up times
  • Fast and accurate gradings for all the betting games / events
  • On-time posting of lines
  • User friendly interface
  • Compatible with all kinds of devices
  • Customer service with experienced staff
  • Great variety and types of betting options

3. Do your players feel satisfied with your service?

Another important question that you need to think about is whether your players feel satisfied with your service? Because they can be dissatisfied if they do not get paid full on time when they win the wagers. Moreover, your players can also feel displeased if they don’t receive a proper customer support. And after all, such bad payment logistics and unqualified customer service could cause a horrible user experience and make your players leave the site and stop betting with you.

4. Then, what should be considered a qualified customer service provided by your Pay Per Head Provider?

Actually, the customer support should not only work to assist bookie agents but also help on enhancing their players’ betting experience. Here are some value-added points that definitely are needed for customer retention.

  • Fulfill each customer’s needs 24/7
  • Correctly and politely relay messages between bookie agents and players
  • Properly take the wagers and place the lines over the phone or chat
  • Quickly resolve any technical issues in real time

5. Finally, are you offering enough to your players?

A well-offered promotion is a nice way to attract your players to continue betting with you. Besides, providing different payment methods for customers’ convenience can also be a factor to affect your bookie business. And finally, offering a wide range of wager types and complete betting selections such as Sportsbook, Racebook, Online Casino, Live betting and Box Pools can maintain your player entertained all the time even in the low season.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


Most Recommended Antivirus Software In 2020

There are several methods that you can easily start doing from your end to secure your online privacy and safety, for instance: creating strong passwords, having good habits to manage your passwords and even using reliable Password Manager. However, only relying on the reinforcement of passwords is not sufficient to guarantee your cybersecurity and you still need some other technical supports. Such as using the encrypted messaging apps that we recommended previously is also very useful to avoid data leaking. Besides, it’s also very important to install the antivirus software so you can enhance your system security to the maximum level. Now we want to give you our best suggestion and help you to make the choice between these most recommended antivirus software in 2020.



Anti-Virus Plus package $29.99 per year up to 3 devices

Internet Security package $39.98 per year up to 3 devices

Total Security package $44.99 per year up to 5 devices

Premium Security package $89.99 per year up to 10 devices


  • Excellent and advanced performance on real-world protection and malware detection
  • Great value for many useful features
  • Unlimited password manager
  • Free 30 days trial provided


  • Online account requirement



Anti-Virus package $29.99 per year up to 3 devices

Internet Security package $39.99 per year up to 3 devices

Total Security package $49.99 per year up to 5 devices


  • Great performance on malware protection
  • Powerful well-designed security package
  • Fast scan speed
  • User friendly and easy-to-use interface


  • Very limited basic features

Norton Antivirus


Norton AntiVirus Plus $19.99 for the first year and renews at $59.99 per year

Norton 360 Standard $39.99 for the first year and renews at $79.99 per year

Norton 360 Deluxe $49.99 for the first year and renews at $99.99 per year

Norton 360 with LifeLock Select $99.99 for the first year and renews at $149.99 per year


  • Minimal impact on system resources
  • 60 days money back guarantee with Norton 360
  • LifeLock ID protection with top tiers


  • Heavy slowdown during full scans on all devices



Home edition is free

Business AntiVirus Pro Plus $34.19 per year with free 30-day trial


  • Best free well-featured Antivirus
  • Highly customizable
  • Wi-Fi scanner, Sandbox included in the free version


  • Popup ads showed



Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus $29.99 per year

Internet Security Plus $44.99 per year up to 3 devices

Webroot Internet Security Plus + WiFi Security $69.98 per year up to 3 devices

Webroot Internet Security Complete $59.99 per year


  • Super speedy scan check in barely 20 seconds
  • Extremely light and streamlined built system


  • Limited testing data from recognized labs

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay