In order to get the kind of search engine rankings that you want for your Bookie Pay per Head Solutions website, there are certain SEO (search engine optimization) hacks that you can put into place.
Here are the ones we consider as the most accessible and which you can start implementing right away, including both link and keyword hacks.
Bookie Pay per Head Solutions: Quick Link Hacks
Check the Competition
In order to know what kinds of links are considered high-quality, feel free to visit the websites of competing bookmaking Pay per Head Solutions providers to what is working for them. When you study your competitors, you won’t be doing things blindly.
Follow the Top Directories
It is also important that you follow the top directories out there; we personally recommend you the following:
When researching for top directories, take into consideration that the ones that are worthy of your time and efforts are the ones that work with fees and editors.
When paying for a submission to a given directory, make sure that you are dealing with a respectful site that is not going to hurt your rankings in the SERPs (search engine results pages).
Social Media
It is also important to take advantage of social media in order to build links for your Price per Head website.
There are many social sites out there, but we recommend you to have some sort of presence on the following ones, which are some of the most popular sites not only related to social media, but related to the internet in general:
Quick Keywords Hacks
Internal Search Data
You can also use Google Analytics in order to get keyword ideas based on internal search information. When someone visits your Bookie Pay per Head Solutions site and use the search bar, they are providing you with a set of fresh keyword phrases that you can are already sure your prospective clients are interested in.
You can use such new keyword terms in order to create content around it, which is a strategy that can pay off really well in terms of Search Engine Optimization.
If you are using WordPress in order to run your Bookie Pay per Head Solutions website, you can also install the Search Meter plugin in order to gather this type of data (it can be downloaded at no cost at all).
Google Adwords
Since Google Analytics has certain restrictions and sometimes it will return the message “not provided,” nowadays you need to become a little bit creative in order to get valuable data from the search engine giant.
A great way to get good info from Google is to login into the new Adwords Keyword Planner and selecting the option “Search for keyword and ad group ideas.”
Once you’re there, enter the URL for your Bookie Pay per Head Solutions site where it says “Your landing page” and then click on search.
What you will get back is a series of keyword term ideas which Google thinks are directly related to your own website.
When it comes to SEO, this is certainly the top of the iceberg, but putting these hacks into practice will indeed have a positive impact on your Bookie Pay per Head Solutions site.
These are hacks that you can implement yourself, but there are always things related to website optimization that will require the attention of a professional, so make sure to work hand-in-hand with someone with experience.