When working with a well known Pay per Head shop, bookmakers can get access to the best Bookie Software Reports.

These reports are part of the sportsbook software offered by the PPH Shop.
This is the tool agents can use to manage their sports betting and gaming operations seamlessly.
Using this tool, bookmaking agents can be in full control. And this is because they’re able to check all the activity of their players in real time.
Bookie Software Reports: Briefly Explained
Now, real-time info combined with accurate, analytical Bookie Software Reports is really the formula that gives the best sportsbook software all its power.
If an agent is working with a top Pay per Head offshore services provider, chances are that he’ll get a tool that includes more than 15 agent reports.
Here are some of those reports, briefly explained:
Standard Reports
- Daysheet: This report allows agents to have full control over their operation. It shows info related to weekly house figures, and compares it with data for sub-agents and players.
- Management: This is the report that shows the list of sub-agents and players. Agents can easily edit personal data for one player or sub-agent, or for all of them.
- Line and exposure: Using this report, agents can check their exposure by game. It displays info related to each type of bet, and much more.
- Real-time wagering: Doubtlessly, this is one of the best Bookie Software Reports. And that is because it allows agents to check all incoming action as it is happening. And, it also works as a complement for other reports to provide even more accurate information.
- Open wagers: This is a great report that displays the current open and pending bets for all active players. Agents have the option of filtering data by type of wager, player name, and sport.
- History: This is a report that shows the history for all players, past and present. Here you can check info such as the type of wagers placed, the amount for each bet, the result for each wager, and more.
- Standings: This particular report shows all the players, and their current standings. It includes data such as limits, how much the player bet during a given week, wagers currently at risk, and more.
- Cash flow: This is also one of the best Bookie Software reports because it shows all money-related transactions made by the agent’s customers
More In-Depth Reports
- Hold percentage: Here the agent can check exactly how much cash he has made from sub-agents and players.
- Hold percentage by player: Similar to hold percentage, but even more specific.
- Agent position: Here the agent can check how much he’s been monetarily exposed by game.
- Position by game: Similar to agent position but with extra information.
- Handle setup: This report allows agents to give their clients or sub-agents a weekly percentage of their total losses.
- Handle: This is one of the best Bookie Software Reports because it shows data related to sub-agents and their respective players.
- Agent exposure by game: Here the agent can check all the action that is currently at risk by game. It displays information about the type of wagers, and the cash involved on each bet.
- Action by player: The sports betting and gaming weekly action of players is displayed here. Agents can check the different types of bets, and the actual cash risked on each wager and casino play.
- Player totals: Here the agent can check the weekly totals for all clients. It shows both graded and pending bets. And it also displays current balances and losses.
Bookie Software Reports: Security
It’s also important to work with a reputable price per head shop because this is the type of company that’s able to offer fully secure bookie software reports.
Agents really don’t want nobody but them to have access to the sports betting and gaming action of their customers.
So, it’s paramount to work with a PPH Shop located in an overseas country such as Costa Rica.
This is because this is the type of PPH services company that works with encrypted servers.
This means that all of the information related to wagering activity and online casino plays is completely safe.
And doubtlessly, this is the scenario agents want for their operation.
Bookie Software Reports: Fully Mobile
Agents should also look for bookie software reports that are fully mobile.
This means that they are always available because they are safely stored on web-accessible encrypted servers.
So, just by using an alias and a password, the agent can simply login to the tool; and check the bookie software reports using his cell phone, or other smart device.
Now, what agents really want to avoid is to work with a tool that forces them to make a download.
Top PPH Shops and gambling companies no longer work with downloads.
So, if this is part of the requirements by a PPH Shop, chances are that the company is old school.
Meaning that it probably doesn’t count with the features agents need to run their operations smoothly.
Bookie Software Reports: Getting The Tool
Now, in order to get these bookie software reports, it’s necessary to get the tool from a reputable PPH Shop.
The top bookmaker wants to search for a price per head company located overseas.
The reason for this is because this is the type of Pay per Head business that can offer agents the best value for their cash.
So, once the agent contacts the right PPH Shop, the next step is to get a trial period.
At this point, the agent really don’t have to become a full time client of the price per head company.
Instead, he can wait until the trial period is over in order to check if the product is good or not.
If the bookmaking tool is great, then the agent can choose to sign up with the PPH Shop.
Otherwise, the agent is not forced to sign up, and he can then look for a better alternative.
So, if you’re looking for the Best Bookie Reports, make sure to sign up with the right Pay per Head Shop!