Bookie Tips: Build, Not Just Manage your Business

Thanks to technology such as Sportsbook Software, a modern bookie price per head provider really doesn’t need a lot of capital, a bookie-tips-build-manage-businesslarge team, or many degrees in order to run a successful company.

Also, back in the day, a bookie was forced to spend long hours managing his sports betting operation, which left him little to no time to actually building it.


Bookie Tips: Growing up the Business

Here are 4 steps that are considered important in order to find more time to build, and not just manage a bookie Pay per Head company.


Online Marketing and Low Cost Solutions

Nowadays it is not necessary to spend a lot of time creating an online presence as there are use-ready tools out there that allows you to create a marketing bookie price per head website really fast and for a considerably low price.

Some of the most recommended of these tools are and Squarespace, which doesn’t require any expertise in order to create stunning sites.

Alternatively, you can also opt for building your price per head bookie website using a CMS such as WordPress and the help of an affordable freelance designer that can be found if sites such as oDesk or Elance.

Make sure to also hire at least one low-cost freelance writer so he can create content for your site on a regular basis.

By using these online resources, you will be able to maintain a great online presence that can give you the web exposure that you need to grow your business steadily.



Apart from the bet-taking area of your bookie price per head business, there are other processes that are of equal importance, but that are time-consuming, such as accounting and email marketing.

The good news is that you always have the option of automating these processes, allowing you to reduce the time you would otherwise had dedicated to them.

There are some great tools out there that can help you with these tasks, including Xero, Campaigner and Evernote.


Make your Size an Advantage

Those whom are working in large enterprises regularly get caught up in a variety of managing tasks, which leaves them no time to improve such processes.

Instead of looking at the size of your small bookie pay per head company as a disadvantage, you should actually embrace the agility you currently possess.

Since you are automating some key processes and are supported by Price per Head Services, it is likely that you do have the time to invest in the right people and get to know your clientele a little better.

Indeed, your small bookie startup company has a lot of advantages over big-time sports betting enterprises, so seize the opportunities this position gives you as much as you can.


Hire a Virtual Assistant

If your regular budget allows it, it is certainly recommended for you to hire a virtual assistant for your bookie price per head business, who can help with things such as making lunch reservations and scheduling meetings.

It might feel weird at first not to count with a physical assistant that can sit down next to you in order to go through your regular check list for the day or the week.

However, with the help of modern collaboration technologies such as Skype and other similar services, having a virtual assistant may seem to you just like a physical one, and it will also cost you considerably less.

Remember that successful people really don’t spend much time on things that doesn’t have an impact related to the progress of their business, and a VA is the perfect solution to take care of day-to-day stuff while you build your bookie price per head company.

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