If you run a price per head bookie operation, you probably understand how important a social media campaign is in order to get closer to prospective online players.
However, if you want your campaign to be effective, you need to avoid using the wrong tactics.
Bookie Tips: Social Media Common Mistakes
Here is a list of the most common mistakes made by bookmaking agents, which you can use in order to avoid following suit.
Focusing on Quantity, Not Quality
It is good to have many followers, but if they are not really interested in becoming clients of your bookie Pay per Head Solutions business, they are really of not much use.
A lot of people share products and services posts on social media sites such as Facebook, so your mission is to find those that are interested in what you have to offer.
Failing to Post Regular Engaging Content
You should use status updates in order to say something interesting. In other words, you must say something that a Sports Betting player can engage with.
Thousands of online players are in need of a new price per head bookie, or are trying to find a new one, so your mission is to get their attention.
Not Turning Followers into Conversions
If you are using social media in order to promote your bookie Price per Head Services, your top mission is to get conversions.
Although having hundreds of people to share your posts is a positive thing, your Bookmaking business is not going to benefit from that if nobody turns new clients.
Since getting players interested in your bookie operation is your number one priority, make sure that you make your posts as eye-catching as you can.
Using Too Many Social Media Channels
Unless you hire a freelancer social media manager in order to take care of your online efforts, you really shouldn’t spread yourself too thin.
This means that you should keep it short and sweet when it comes to where you have a regular social media presence. We recommend you to focus on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest.
No Brand Personality
If you actually want to get the conversions that you need for your bookie price per head operation, try to avoid boring and generic posts.
Try to make each status update as personalized as possible. This means that you should focus on putting a little of your brand on each post so prospective clients can start identifying your bookie business more easily.
You really want to avoid spamming those that regularly view your posts on social media.
When people realize that you are posting a large number of updates that are considered “salesy”, they will just stop checking out your page for good.
You must consider the fact that most of the stuff on social media is spam, which means that it has no value whatsoever other than trying to sale something.
For this reason, when you promote your bookie business on social media, you need to avoid giving the impression that selling your services is the only reason you are creating regular status updates.
Posting Manually on Each Social Media Site
If you want to post all of your updates on each social media site where you have a presence manually, you must consider that it is really going to take you a long time to do so.
There are a good number of websites and programs that allows you to post the same update to a variety of social media sites at once, so you must consider using one of them in order to save you or your freelancer a good deal of valuable time.