Bookmaker Site Tips: Understanding Navigation Elements

The navigation elements are the roads of your pay per head bookmaker site. When planned correctly, they can help visitors to move bookmaker-site-tips-navigation-elementseasily from one place to another or they can also confuse them and lead them to click the back button in order to return to the SERPs.

If you manage to come up with a good navigation plan from the beginning, it will be easier for both visitors of your price per head bookie site and to the spiders to move around your pages. Actually, when there is not an optimal navigation system present, it can compromise your website’s reputation with the top search engines. Sites which have a clear SEO structure, silos, and easy navigation are certainly at an advantage over those which doesn’t employ such fundamental elements.


Formatting for your Bookmaker Site


In order to offer max readability to Google, the navigation elements of your bookmaking site must be formatted as text links. Although there are ways to make non-textuals readable for the web crawlers, you will likely get the cleanest spidering from straight forward text links. A good navigation plan can work just fine with 3 areas where links are found: top, bottom, and sides (left or right).


No Frames

It is recommendable that you refrain from using frames during the construction of your navigation areas. This is because when content is added to frames, a web crawler sees it as a separate page and doesn’t get indexed as part of the actual page’s content. Frames also divide a page and dissociate navigation elements from the rest of the content.


Top Navigation

These are links which are located at the top of a page and the ones that you want your visitors to notice the most so they can get familiar with the top sections of your bookmaker site. They are also known as global navigation because they appear site-wide.

The links that can be usually found in the top navigation bar are:

  • Home Page: A direct link to the main are of the site. This one is needed for optimal navigation.
  • About Us: This one is an informative page with information on who you are and the purpose of your bookmaker It is a must-have because it increases your credibility considerably.
  • Contact Us: This is another key page that makes you more credible to the eyes of prospective clients. Add a contact form and try to get back at people as soon as you can in order to improve your odds of closing some online deals. Alternatively, you can mix your About Us and Contact Us pages into a single one.
  • Categories: Include at least two links to theme-specific pages (the ones you consider as the main site categories).

Note: Since anchor text is quite valuable when it comes to link equity, make sure that you’ll include your top keywords on your navigation elements in order to improve your rankings even more.


Footer navigation

These are the links that are located at the bottom of the pages of your bookmaker site. Since web crawlers research all the way through a page, your footer links can become quite useful. If you want to create a site with flash or pictures as part of the top navigation elements, you can take advantage of the footer by adding links with the proper keywords on their anchor text over there, increasing the usability of such this area. Also, do not include links to external pages at the footer as those fit better within your site map.

Usually, the footer contains the following pages:

Top navigation: If, like mentioned before, you don’t have space for top navigation links because you are, for example, using JavaScript or Flash at the top, you can add all of those valuable, optimized links at the footer.

Contact Us and Address: Even though you’ve added a Contact Us page at the top, you can add another one at the bottom. You can also add your contact number and/or email address.

Legal: You can use this space to add links for your copyright, terms of use and private policy pages (ideally you can create a single page to include all the three).

Sitemap: You should also include a direct link to your HTML site map to make it easier for both new visitors and the spiders to find what they need.


Side Navigation

The elements included here are mostly category-specific. Depending on how you’re developing your site, the side links can be different from one page to another. This is great because it can help you to reinforce the theme of a page by including direct links to supporting pages.

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