Let’s start by saying that cheap Pay per Head doesn’t equal bad quality. This is in fact, a myth.

Cheap Pay per Head: The Reality
In reality, sports betting and gaming offshore services are as good as the people behind it. That’s it!
The Lowest Price
Here’s the scenario:
A top bookmaker is interested in a given price per head shop. He contacts them, and realize that they’re offering a cheap Pay per Head service.
All is well up to that point…
Then, the bookmaking agent is told that he’ll indeed getting cheap Pay per Head solutions; but he’s also told, beforehand, that he’s getting what he’s paying for.
In other words: the sports betting agent opted for paying the least amount of cash possible; so he’s willingly sacrificing quality, to get the lowest possible price per head weekly fee.
Now, this seems convenient for both the top bookmaker and the sportsbook software provider. However, this is really far from the best possible outcome.
The reason is because even though the bookmaking and online casino agent is getting a great deal; he’s also offering a product that many of his clients may not like.
So, in this case, just like the PPH shop did with the sports betting agent; it is up to the latter to tell his clients the truth or not about the quality of the services they can expect to receive; if they get their wagering and gambling action with him.
Smoke and Mirrors
Here’s the scenario:
A wagering and online casino agent contacts a PPH shop. He’s told that he’s going to get the lowest price, and also the best possible bookie software services.
Although this sounds good, in this particular case, the statement made by the price per head shop is untrue.
In fact, this is the kind of PPH shop that offers the same low quality bookmaking and gambling solutions. With the difference that they lie to prospects; telling them that their very low price per head weekly fee equals the highest quality sports betting and gaming services in the market.
This is all good for the PPH shop, but sooner or later, most bookies opt for getting a better-value price per head service for their cash.
On the other hand, other bookmakers, knowing that this is cheap Pay per Head solutions, but bad quality; decide to remain with the PPH shop because they like the low PPH weekly fees.
Super Expensive
Here’s the scenario:
A bookie gets in touch with a price per head shop that he saw online. This PPH company is not offering a cheap Pay per Head weekly fee.
In fact, after reviewing some options, the bookie concluded that this was the most expensive one.
This, however, intrigued the top bookmaker; to the point that he contacted the expensive price per head shop.
He realized that they were indeed super expensive; but they also offered some truthful, high-quality sportsbook software services.
This seems like a good deal. But, in reality, bookies in this case are being over-charged.
And the reason is because there are wagering and gambling solutions that are…
Affordable, High Quality
Now this one right here, is the best possible of all scenarios:
The top bookmaker browses the web, and finds a good option. He then calls in, and talk to one of the managers at the price per head shop.
After a good, explanatory conversation, the bookie realizes that he’s dealing with a PPH shop that is:
- Affordable
- Offers High-Quality Bookie Software Services
When this is true of a PPH shop, the bookmaking agent has really found a really cheap Pay per Head option. And here’s why:
The price per head shop is offering an affordable weekly deal. And, although this is a cheap Pay per Head fee, it is not the lowest one in the market.
Now, when the bookie talked to the manager at the PPH shop, he was told that he was not getting the cheapest price per head fee.
But, he was indeed getting the best possible bookmaking and online casino services for his players.
So, what the bookie, in this case, is getting, is a cheap Pay per Head service that is very affordable to his pocket; and that can satisfy the needs of his sports betting and gaming players beyond their expectations.
And… What Makes The Best, Cheap Pay per Head Option?
Now we now that bookmaking and online casino agents should pick a PPH shop that offers them high-quality, affordable price per head services.
In other words: a cheap Pay per Head weekly fee for the best possible value.
But what does it have to be included in this kind of deal?
Here’s what a bookie should consider when searching for price per head services:
Qualified Personnel
A bookie wants to deal with a PPH shop that has invested in human talent. This means that when sports bettors call in for their wagers; they should receive the best possible client attention services.
To get to that point, a price per head shop must take the time and effort to pick only the best possible candidates.
This means hiring personnel that has a lot of industry experience. And also the kind of people that can be easily trained to provide specialized client services.
The best personnel should also include individuals that are native speakers of different languages, mainly:
- English
- Spanish
- Chinese
This is because these are the biggest demographics related to sports bettors worldwide. So, counting with a PPH shop that is tri-lingual; is really a must-have option for bookmaking agents.
Great Infrastructure
The best, cheap Pay per Head shop is also the one that operates from modern, offshore facilities.
By moving overseas, a price per head shop can save a lot in overhead costs. And this translates into modern offices, and the best possible communications technology.
Doubtlessly, offering comfortable facilities to its employees; and enhancing the operation with sophisticated technological tools; is a winning formula for the best, cheap Pay per Head shop.
A Complete Services Package
Now, for a top bookmaker to be sure that he’s really getting the best value for a cheap Pay per Head weekly fee; he needs to verify that the services package he’s getting is not average.
This means that besides regular sports betting call center and online wagering services; the cheap Pay per Head services package must also include access to casino games for players.