Although it is important to optimize for Bing and Yahoo, it is certainly more important to focus energies on trying to get your bookie website to rank high on Google, the top search engine activity portal on the web.
Bookie Website: Google has Evolved
When Google was starting, to rank high for a keyword such as Price per Head was as easy as to buy a URL with the search term in it, and you were on your way to rank in the top positions of the first page of results, however, that seems to have changed as now the search experience includes things such as videos from YouTube, tweets and even a news feed.
So, if you want to make it easier for your pay per head bookie website to rank high, you should apply SEO to all the assets that you can such as the text for your online handicapping podcasts, your press releases, social media sites, images, etc.
On Page Optimization
This refers to the optimization that you do on your website to improve your SERPS value. To get the best out of your on-site SEO efforts, make sure that get to know your niche really well and that you do the proper keyword research to ensure the best results on Google.
When it comes to On-Page SEO, here are some of the most important factors to consider:
- Proper Meta Tags
- Niche URL
- Internal Links
- Development of Keywords
- Formatting
Google Want you to Succeed
Since the aim of a giant Search Engine such as Google is to provide the best possible results for its users, they want you to optimize your content properly and to offer reliable and valuable information so they can place your sportsbook blog in the top positions of their first page of results.
For this reason, they have even created Google Webmaster Tools to help you with free accurate diagnostics on how your site is currently performing.
If you just created your bookie website, we recommend you to register your domain with Google ASAP in order to start collection valuable data that will help you take the right steps to ensure that you will continue to rank high for your aimed terms.
Webmaster Central
This is Google’s content for webmasters, and once you have accessed it, you will be capable of:
- Know how Google currently views your site
- See how your bookie website is currently performing
- Share key information with Google to make it easier for them to crawl your bookie website better
Off-Page Optimization
Applying the correct SEO techniques to your site will certainly not cut it as you’ll also need to dedicate some of your time to do some off-page optimization, or in other words, to try to get your bookie website to become as popular as possible, and to do it, you need to focus on getting other sites to link to you in order to improve your PR Rank.
When it comes to the kind of sites that you want linking to you here are a few pointers:
- To have a high page rank
- Include content that is related to the one you are offering to your readers
- To have similar meta tags
- To come from different sources
- And last but not least, to have other high-quality sites linking to them as well
If you want to know what kind of sites you want linking to your own bookie website, the best way to start is to look at the sites that are linking to your competitors, and once you have identified them, you can start your very own guerilla marketing campaign to try to make your site popular and earn some extra clients.