Once you’re done with your SEO on-page efforts on your pay per head bookie website, then it is time to get started with off-page optimization.
Bookie Website: Get Their Interest with Free Stuff
If you really want to get people to link to your price per head bookie website, you really need to give them a reason to do it, and we recommend you to offer your own free articles or even a tool.
When you offer free stuff with a value for prospective clients, they will most likely share the link to your free offerings in social media and on their blogs, giving you the so much needed one-way links that are so important for your Google success.
Create your own EBook
You can also use your professional gambling skills in order to create an eBook that you can then offer for free at your sportsbook bookie website.
We recommend you to put an emphasis in the quality of the writing that you are doing and not so much on the length of it. Once you have finished your masterpiece, create a direct link that you can then advertise on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
You can optionally opt to work with material related to private label rights. It is common for creators of eBooks to sell the rights of their content to others in order to make a quick profit, so, if you really want to avoid the writing part, this is then the best option for you.
Social Media
It is really impossible to ignore the importance of social media when it comes to help you get at the top of search engine results. Although there are quite a few social sites out there, the truth is that you should focus on the most popular ones: Facebook and Twitter.
When you create a new post on you site, don’t forget to share it in the aforementioned social giants in order to get people to share your site links. On Facebook, if you wish you can also create a business page and this is quite beneficial because it certainly gives your betting operation a more professional approach.
When it comes to Twitter, it is essential that you add a link to your site on your profile. Once your followers start sharing the link to your Twitter profile, it will help you to improve the authority of the link for your actual website, so the more tweets you post, the more chances of getting people to re-tweet you.
You can also add your site’s link on your YouTube profile and when you post a video, don’t forget to add your link at the beginning of the description. By doing this, you are making the link more visible and accessible.
Using Google Places
According to SEO experts, to have a presence on Google places can seriously affect your bookie website in a positive way since you’re getting included in more and more search results. For Google places to work in your favor, you need to fill as much information as possible.
If you really want to appear at the top of local search results, the trick lies on relevance instead of other factors such as alphabetical order or distance.
Since you are not promoting the services of a physical store or restaurant for example, you need to add some screenshots of your bookie website and other pictures concerning current promotions that you are running on your site or on social media.
Finally, it is important that you get your current clients to get you some positive reviews about the solutions you provide. In order to get your current players to write a small review, you can send an email asking them to send you back a few positive words. It is advisable that you