If you want information on how to become a Pay per Head Agent, this article can help you with the basics on starting a bookie operation.

Pay per Head Agent: What is it?
A Pay per Head Agent is a bookmaker who hired the offshore services from a reputable PPH Shop.
A price per head company offers bookies the sportsbook software they need to run their sports betting and gaming operations.
And, they also offer an online website, and access to an overseas call center, so players can get their action.
All of these PPH solutions are provided to the bookie for a weekly fee, which is charged based on actual usage.
Meaning that if a bookmaker has 50 players, and only 25 used the services from the PPH shop during a given week; then the bookie get’s charged for the 25 active players only.
This is great because it means that the bookmaking agent only pays the price per head company when he get’s profits himself.
So, needless to say, this is a very convenient set of solutions for any bookie out there.
Pay per Head Agent: The PPH Services
Now, these are the services a Pay per Head Agent and his players get, explained:
- Bookie software
- Website for players
- Call center access for players
Bookie software
This is the main tool the PPH Shop offers to the Pay per Head Agent.
This bookie software allows the bookmaker to manage his operation using his favorite mobile device.
So, the agent can run his operation from anywhere in the world, using his phone, laptop, or tablet computer.
This sportsbook software also makes it possible for the bookie to customize his own wagering rules for both sports and horses.
The bookmaker can also customize his own sub-agent and player profiles.
This means that the agent can set individual wagering limits for each player; and also create individual payouts for all the different types of bets. Including:
- Straights
- Teasers
- If bets
- Pleasers
- Action points
- Reverses
- And more
Now, all the reports from a reputable price per head shop are fully customizable.
This means that the Pay per Head Agent can check only the information he needs to see.
And this definitely makes a wagering and gambling operation more efficient.
Another great feature related to this bookie software is wagering line management.
This means that agents can modify the lines provided by the PPH Shop, or create new lines of their own.
This tool also makes it possible for bookies to monitor the wagering and gambling activity of their clients in real-time.
Website for players
This is the main tool for the players of the Pay per Head Agent.
This is a website where players can get their action on sports betting and horse racing events.
And, if the bookie pays a little extra, he can also get his own online casino.
This means that the bookmaker can have not one, but two great sources of recurrent income.
Here are the 3 different options of websites available from a reputable PPH Shop:
- Standard site
- Customized website
- Standard or custom site with casino
Standard site
This is a website where players can get their action on sports and horses.
The clients of many bookmakers shares this site.
And, it’s actually the favorite alternative for most agents because it works great; and it’s the most affordable one.
This is a site that’s fast and reliable, and can be easily accessed using any smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Customized website
A personalized site is also available for the Pay per Head agent.
This is a website that includes a custom domain name (for example bookie123 .com); and also customized design.
This option is great because it allows the bookmaker to enhance his own brand.
And, what’s great about this site is that it’s only for the usage of a single Pay per Head Agent.
This means that when a bookie gets a custom site from a reputable PPH Shop; only his own players are going to be getting their action on that website.
Standard or custom site with casino
Now, this is really the option that can increase the profits of a bookmaker dramatically.
The reason is because by getting his own online casino, a Pay per Head Agent is able to double his profits in a very easy way.
For example, if there’s a bookie who already has some sports bettors; he can just offer his gambling services to such clients and start cashing in on their gaming action.
And, bookies can also sign up more clients for their operations!
The reason is because agents can not only focus on signing up sport bettors, but also on signing gamblers!
This really increases the chances of bookies to get the kind of clientele that can make them the profits they’re looking to get.
And, this is an option that can be easily obtained by requesting it from the PPH Shop as an extra.
With that said, the additional cash the Pay per Head Agent pays for such a service is totally worth it.
And actually, such money can be taken out of the profits generated from the casino activity of players!
Call center access for players
A Pay per Head Agent can also offer his customers the option of placing bets over the phone.
If the bookie is working with a top PPH Shop, chances are that this service is provided by skilled wagering clerks.
This kind of reputable price per head company counts with offshore offices located in a country such as Costa Rica.
This is a nation that counts with the right human talent; and also the rest of the resources that allows a sports betting and gaming services business to operate seamlessly.
Now, this is a service that’s available for players 24-7, every single day of the year.
This means that the agent never have to worry about processing a single wager himself.
And a customized toll free number is available for agents, which is great.
This is definitely also a feature that enhances the brand of the bookmaker.
And, last but not least, betting fairness is fully guaranteed for the players of the Pay per Head Agent as all action is recorded.