Pay per Head Bookie Tips: Top Negotiating Skills

To negotiate is how you get what you want for your pay per head bookie business. In fact, you are negotiating all day long, whether it is with your family, or the staff members of your pay-per-head-bookie-negotiating-skillssports betting organization.


Pay per Head Bookie: The 6 Main Skills of Negotiating


Negotiating involves 6 main skills. When you understand how to apply these skills, you will start using them time and time again during business negotiations. Such skills are:

  • Detail Preparation Skills
  • Goals Skills
  • Good Listening Skills
  • Clear Communication Skills
  • Pushing Pause Button Skills
  • Closing a Deal Skills


Detailed Preparation

If you want to be successful when negotiating, you must first focus on preparation.

There are 3 main areas in which you need to be prepared:

  • Yourself
  • The Other Individual (changes as negotiations changes)
  • The Market (deserves your attention, long-term)


When you prepare for a negotiation related to your pay per head bookie business, you need to know what your weaknesses and strengths are.

A good example is your listening abilities; are you good at listening to the questions and demands of the clients of your pay per head bookie business, or is it common for you to just ignore what others have to say?

You also need to be prepared to face determined negotiating situations, and in order to do this, you need to be aware of your own needs as a bookmaking agent.

For example, if you are an individual that performs better during the afternoons, don´t book business dates for the mornings, or the late evenings.



If you really want to achieve anything at all as a pay per head bookie negotiator, then you need to work with a goals system.

When you are in the goal-setting process, you need to take some time to do a brainstorming session where you get to write down a list with all the possibilities and scenarios for any given negotiation.

Then, you need to pair that list with the list of your very own negotiation goals.

The purpose of doing this is to come up with a number of manageable goals that are also realistic because you want to avoid going into a negotiation with a list full of hopes and dreams, and instead, you want such list to contain the appropriate things you need to achieve.



Most individuals believe that they are indeed, good listeners, but they are obviously seeing things from a subjective point of view.

If you want to be successful when negotiating a deal for your pay per head bookie business, listening is a skill you need to really work on.

Make sure to pay attention to your bad listening habits in order to start working on them. And, when talking to someone else, always expect to obtain something of value from the other individual instead of just waiting impatiently until the other person finishes talking so you can take your turn in the conversation.

Here are some quick tips that you can use in order to start improving your listening skills:

  • Clear the clutter in your office.
  • Don’t respond to a question immediately; Once a question has been stated, give it 3 seconds to sink in, and then respond.
  • Make sure to always keep notes.
  • When you are talking to someone, be there, fully, awake and present.


It is also good to recall that the listening process involves interacting with the other party.

Once you are in a conversation, you are not just a listener; you also need to expose your opinions, so don’t be afraid to ask questions about the information you receive from the other individual in order to refine your own personal data.

This is important, because when you are not getting the information that you need, you can ask follow-up questions in order to direct the conversation in your favorite direction.


Clear Communication

When it comes to handling negotiations related to your pay per head bookie business, you need to be clear in both what you say and do.

Although this sounds easy, it may be challenging because there must exist coordination between the tone of voice you use, the words you apply, and your body language.

In order to see if you are good at communicating with others, you can start by asking those that you trust the most. That can be either members of your family, or even members of your own pay per head bookie company.

When you are given an honest opinion on your real communication skills, you can take such feedback and use it as a manual to improve your weakest areas.

In order to communicate well, you must be able to understand how your prospective audience thinks; how these individuals feel, and function.

If you want to be clear, you need to speak with a purpose, a commitment and consistency.


Pushing the Pause Button

Every single person out there possesses a pause button inside their heads that is used to keep the correct emotional balance during a negotiation.

Some individuals use this pause button more than others, while others simple avoid it completely, but the latter is wrong.

The reason is because a pause button serves as a moment of reflection. For example, a break during a negotiation that suddenly got heated, or a short moment of silence when you don’t agree with the argument of the other individual.

A pause button is great because it allows you to avoid saying things that you may regret at a later time, and it can also prevent you from agreeing on a deal related to your pay per head bookie business too quick.

If you are a top bookmaker that finds it difficult to handle your own emotions, then it is likely that it is also not easy for you to control your actions, and using a pause button is certainly going to help you to cool your hot buttons in order to make decisions with a clear mind.


Closing the Deal

To close a deal is indeed the culmination of the negotiation process. This is where your pay per head bookie business and another party agree on the terms of a given deal.

There are times when it seems that closing a deal is turning impossible even when both parties sort of agree on the terms.

The reason this happens is because one of the parties is being difficult, and this difficulty can take many forms.

For example, maybe someone lacks patience, yells a lot, is too bossy, enjoys playing good cop/bad cop, or changes positions constantly.

These scenarios involve pushing the pause button to clear your mind and have the chance of successfully negotiating under such circumstances.

Make sure that you analyze the other individual´s tactics in order to ask the right questions.

Now, if you are wondering when the right time to close is, the answer is never! It is really never too soon to close a deal.

However, when closing a deal related to your pay per head bookie business, you want to be as quick and efficient as possible, and this involves agreeing on a deal by closing just a piece of it in order to move on to other important issues.

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