Pay per Head Bookie Site Tips: Top Items to Track

Using a program such as Google Analytics, you can keep track of certain key items related to your Pay per Head Bookie site that willpay-per-head-bookie-site-tips-top-track help you know where you’re currently standing. Here are the top ones:


Pay per Head Bookie: Top Search Queries


You will actually be surprised to know that many businesses out there really don’t get as many conversions as they can because they are targeting keywords which their prospective clients aren’t really looking for.

This is one of the main reasons why taking your time in order to research for the right keywords for the pages of your Pay per Head Bookie site is so necessary.

This is because when you just take random keywords that are not even related to your clientele you can end up wasting your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts.

Using analytics, you can keep track of your current keywords and see how much traffic they are actually bringing to your Bookie Services website.

Sometimes you might think that you are working with a good term, but when using analytics to review the impact of such term you might realize that the opposite is actually happening.


Top Landing Pages

When we refer to landing pages, we are talking about those pages which visitors are using to get into your Pay per Head Bookie website.

Remember, a landing page is not necessarily your main page, although the latter is the one you actually want people visiting because it is the face of your business and where you include most of the ideas that you want to transmit to your audiences.

Using analytics, you can figure out the source of referrals, which is mostly the SERPs (search engine results pages), or it may also be the case that someone found a link to a given page of your Pay per Head Bookie site on social media for example.

It is very important that you figure out what your top landing pages are because those are actually the ones that are giving you some good results.

Maybe you are putting some good work on other pages that are not even getting any views at all, so analytics can help you figure this out in order to help you advance in a different direction with a renewed strategy.


Top Exit Pages

There are the pages that people uses to enter your bookmaking site, and there are also the pages that people uses to leave.

If your visitors are frequently leaving your website on a common page, it is not a bad idea to figure out the reasons why, and analytics can provide you with answers.

Remember, you need to provide your clients with the things they want, but you also need them to perform your desired actions, and this might be to exit your Pay per Head Bookie site at the page where your sign-up form is located, for example.

On the other hand, if you realize that most visitors are leaving your site from the home page, this is certainly not a good indicator because it means that they are not even taking the time to explore your website in order to find what they were looking for.


Bounce Rate

This metric tells you about the percentage of visitors that leave your Pay per Head Bookie website just after they have entered.

Your goal is to get people to stay on your site for as long as possible in order to try to turn them into clients. If the opposite is true and people are leaving right away, it means that you are doing something that you are not supposed to do.

The good thing is that analytics can help you to collect the necessary data in order to start moving in the right direction.

Tracking this item certainly goes hand-in-hand with measuring your exit pages.

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