If you’ re a bookie, to get Pay per Head Costa Rica services is a real advantage. The reason is because by outsourcing your bookmaking and casino data

management needs, you enhance your operation; making it more attractive for prospective sports betting and gaming players. And fully affordable for the wagering and gambling agent.
Pay per Head Costa Rica: The Country
If you want to do business with a Pay per Head Costa Rica offshore services company; it is important to know a little bit about the country.
This is a nation that is a pioneer of the sportsbook software industry. In fact, CR is a global leader of the gambling industry services in general.
Sports betting and online casino services are definitely part of the local culture of the country. And, the local commercial code is used to regulate Pay per Head Costa Rica companies.
Many Pay per Head Costa Rica entrepreneurs opt for this Central American nation because of:
Cost reductions
Working from CR is definitely cheaper than running the same kind of operation onshore.
This means that by operating from this country, a Pay per Head Costa Rica shop is able to save substantial cash; which can then be re-invested in the form of service enhancements.
A top offshore PPH shop is located in a large, modern building. Meaning that the infrastructure that can be found in this nation goes beyond the expectations of many bookmaking agents.
Now, the local web, and the telephone solutions, are some of the best in the continent.
With that said, a top Pay per Head Costa Rica shop is not going to be Ok with just one good web/phone solution.
Instead, a well respected PPH shop that is based in CR counts with a number of these services.
This is done to guarantee that if a given web/phone solution goes down, there is immediately a back up, of the same quality, ready to replace it.
In this way, the bookmaking and online casino agent can guarantee his clients that they are never going to suffer any down times.
Largely bilingual population
The labor force in CR is doubtlessly, of a very high-quality. In the country, most people speak English.
And, what is best, there is a specialized sector of employees that have been part of the bookmaking and casino industries for years.
This has allowed Pay per Head Costa Rica companies to hire only the best staff to provide top sportsbook software services to sports betting and gaming players.
Now, since Costaricans speak Spanish, this allows locals to automatically deliver bilingual price per head solutions.
But how about Asian sports betting and gaming players? Thankfully, many members of the local Asian community have also opted for becoming part of the bookmaking and online casino industries.
This means that a top Pay per Head Costa Rica shop features tri-lingual services:
- English
- Chinese
- Spanish
Stable environment
CR is a very safe and stable country to do business in. This is also one of the major reasons why many Pay per Head Costa Rica entrepreneurs decided to base their wagering and gambling operations here.
Sure, there is some insecurity. But life in this country is very low-paced in general. Meaning that even though there is crime, most people feel safe.
And, most importantly, businesses of any kind can be run without any major concerns related to this matter.
Pay per Head Costa Rica: A Real Virtual Office
By saving in overhead costs and re-investing in technology; a Pay per Head Costa Rica shop is able to provide sportsbook software agents with a real virtual office.
This means that the bookie can run his wagering and gambling operation from home; and, his clients can get the best sports betting and gaming services they can possibly obtain.
Indeed a real win-win situation for both the bookmaking agent and his portfolio of customers.
But, what does the Pay per Head Costa Rica shop includes in its services package?
Wagering and Casino Services
When a bookmaking agent signs up a deal to receive sportsbook software services, he can also opt for working with the PPH shop’s casino software solutions.
This means that when a bookie signs up with a Pay per Head Costa Rica shop; he will, by default, receive wagering services.
And, for an extra fee, the bookmaking agent can also start offering online casino games to his clients.
So, a full price per head services package includes:
- Sports betting services
- Horse betting solutions
- Casino games
- Full support for the bookie and his players
The Casino Solution: A Difference Maker
The bookmaker can opt for just using the wagering solutions. And that is just fine. However, adding a casino service really increases the earning-potential of the bookmaking agent’s business.
If you’re a bookie, think about it this way: If you don’t offer online casino games to your sports betting players; they will go and get them from a different source.
Why? Easy! Most sports bettors are also gamblers! This right there gives you, as a wagering and gambling agent; a great advantage.
The reason is because by adding an online casino solution from a Pay per Head Costa Rica shop; you can not only focus on sports bettors when looking for clients; but on gamblers as well.
This means that sometimes your online casino games may be of interest to your sports betting players. Maybe not immediately; but as they become regular players, chances increase.
Or vice versa, it may also be that you get to sign casino players that later on start placing sportsbook bets.
Indeed, an online casino solution is a difference maker for a bookmaking agent.
Without it, it would be very difficult for the sports betting agent to make the same kind of profits. And, it would also be quite challenging to compete against other top bookmakers.
As you can see, there are many reasons why Pay per Head Costa Rica shops exists, and, they are all very positive, and in total favor of the bookie and his players.