Imagine yourself relaxing on your sofa, and watching a football game while managing your betting operation effortlessly with the help of Per Head Services…
No more calls from players, no more manual bets, no more heartaches…

With the help of PPH offshore services, everything’s take care of….
But, don’t just trust this or other articles on PPH solutions; instead, give these services a try, and see with your own eyes the positive impact they can bring to your life.
Per Head Services: Why…
Now, here are the fundamental reasons why you should consider working with a top Per Head Services provider:
- Manage everything using your smartphone or laptop
- Your players get their action by themselves
- Your data is protected, and the privacy of your players is guaranteed
Manage everything using your smartphone or laptop
A PPH Shop offers you sportsbook software…
And because everything works online, all you need is a smart device, such as a cell phone, laptop, or tablet.
Then, you can check your data by accessing your bookie software account.
There you can view different agent reports…
And check the general information related to your sports betting and gaming operation.
You can also adjust player accounts, and manage wagering lines, amongst many other things…
Your Players get their action by themselves
Non-stop action, non stop-profits, non-stop free time for you!
This is how your bookmaking and gambling business will operate once you sign up with the right PPH Shop…
In other words: your customers will place all the bets, and play all the casino games they want; and all you have to do is to check how your profits grow.
It’s also all very simple for your clients: All they have to do is to login, get their action, and sign off.
And, they can use their mobile phones or computers to access the Pay per Head website, so that nobody even realizes they are betting.
But, your customers can also get their action over the phone!
This is still a favorite method for many players to get their action.
And it’s important to work with a top PPH Shop; so that your clients can be 100% satisfied with the calling Per Head Services.
Now, when you sign up, you only get sports betting solutions. But you, however, can also get your own online casino!
And all you have to do is to pay an extra weekly fee to the PPH Shop.
With that said, the profits that you can get from owning your own casino are so good; that you won’t even notice the extra weekly fee applied to your account every week.
And also remember that by counting with an online casino, you can get players that are not only sports bettors; but also gamblers!
And this can mean a considerable increase in business opportunities for you.
Your data is protected, and the privacy of your players is guaranteed
Now, getting your Per Head Services from a top PPH Shop is synonymous with safety and privacy.
The reason is because these companies, especially the ones that operate from Costa Rica, really put an emphasis on safeguarding the data of bookies and their players.
One key factor that can make your customer feel safe about working with a bookie that uses PPH solutions is that their names are never compromised.
This is because all the PPH Shop needs to process the action of players is a user name and a password.
This means that you, the bookie, is the only one who knows which alias belongs to which player.
And this is great because it means that the PPH Shop provides the help you need; without directly interfering with your business.
Now, the security advantages provided by a reputable PPH company are not only for your players; but also for you, the top bookmaker.
This includes protection against wiseguys: This means that the PPH Shop will let you know when they find unwanted action from players you should consider removing from your bookmaking portfolio.
Plus, the data of your sports betting and gaming operation is stored inside in-house, encrypted servers.
This means that your data is never available for anyone except a few selected eyes.
That includes you, and a couple of members from the PPH Shop.
You lose cash every day you don’t work with a PPH Shop…
It’s like this: every day you don’t use Per Head Services, you’re losing cash.
The reason is because these are the kind of solutions that can help you be number one, without breaking the bank.
A good example is the online PPH services offered:
In the case of your bookie software, if you were to get this tool yourself, just paying the developer will mean thousands of dollars.
And the same goes for the online website where your players bet: This site also requires sportsbook software.
But you save yourself the hassle of paying for this, and for the site hosting; just by working with the right PPH Shop.
So, working with a top PPH company definitely means that you’ll save a lot of cash.
And will also allow you to count with the tools you need to make great profits effortlessly.
And needless to say… If you’re not working with a reputable PPH Shop, you’re losing cash every day you don’t do it…
Per Head Services: how to get them…
Now, if you want to get these Per Head Services, all you need to do is to contact the right PPH Shop.
And you can do this by researching the internet for the best PPH companies from Costa Rica; and making some calls.
Once you pick your favorite, all you must do is to sign up, get your one-week trial period, and tell your players about it.
What if you don’t get them…
Well, if you fail to get these Per Head Services, you run the risk of letting other bookies to sign up more players than you.
And the reason is because bettors and gamblers know about, and enjoy Per Head Services a lot, so to count with them can indeed really make the difference.