A Per Head Sportsbook is the definitive bookmaking and gambling solution for sports betting agents.

Working alongside a price per head shop means that a bookie counts with all he needs to become successful.
Per Head Sportsbook: Tools and Services
There are a number of elements that have proven to be essential for bookmaking agents to run their wagering and gambling operations seamlessly.
If you’re a sports betting agent that’s working with a reputable Per Head Sportsbook; these are the tools and services you can expect to find:
- Bookie Software
- Per Head Sportsbook Call Center
- Online Betting
Bookie Software
The bookie software the top bookmaker gets when he signs up with a Per Head Sportsbook is multifunctional.
This means that the sports betting agent can use it for a variety of purposes, including:
- Monitoring the Action of Players
- Edit Accounts
- Check and Move Lines
Monitoring the Action of Players
This is actually one of the main functions of the bookmaking software.
By using it, the agent can check how many wagers have been placed in real time.
Using the different reports from the Per Head Sportsbook software; the bookie can check the current; past and pending action for a number of players, or for all of them.
This is quite advantageous; as the sports betting agent can make important decisions based on his player’s wagering patterns.
Edit Accounts
This is the second most important function of the bookie software. The reason is because the bookie must count with the option of editing accounts at will.
The bookmaking agent needs to open new accounts for new players at any given time. And he also needs to close accounts of former customers.
And, the bookie software provided by the price per head shop allows him to do exactly this.
Check and Move Lines
The wagering lines that are presented to both sports and horse betting players are custom-created by the Per Head Sportsbook using the most relevant lines services and insiders’ data.
And with that said, the bookmaking software that the sports betting agent gets also allows him to move the wagering lines he’s presented with, whenever he wants to.
The top bookmaker can move lines for all of his players; or he can move specific lines for specific clients.
The more customizable the bookie software, the better indeed.
Per Head Sportsbook Call Center
Getting unlimited access to a high-tech call center is part of the advantages of working with a Per Head Sportsbook.
This means that once the sports betting agent signs up with the PPH offshore services provider; his clients will be able to start making calls to get their action over the phone.
And, they can do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round.
Doubtlessly, this is great for the bookmaking agent because he doesn’t have to take a single wager himself.
And in fact, working with a Per Head Sportsbook means that the bookie is able to compete against the big online giants of the industry.
This outstanding call center service is provided in English, Chinese and Spanish.
This is a factor that really works in favor of the bookie as he’s able to recruit players that speak other languages; and still provide a high-quality calling solution.
Online Betting
Call center services are perfectly complemented by online betting solutions. In fact, this is the formula that can really make the difference for a bookmaking operation.
Online betting services are key for the bookie because they provide a combination of privacy and ease of use that is very attractive for players.
For this reason, if you’re a bookie, make sure to work with a reputable Per Head Sportsbook that can provide you with quality online wagering and gambling services that are very user-friendly.
Another element to consider when searching for the right web betting solution is the different platforms in which it is available.
This means that the optimal online sports betting and gaming service should be available for:
- Desktop computers
- iPads and iPhones
- Android devices
In other words, this web service from the Per Head Sportsbook must be as flexible as possible when it comes to technology.
Why a Per Head Sportsbook Service is Essential
Bookies want to make as much profits as possible, putting the least of efforts in terms of data management.
And, a Per Head Sportsbook service allows the sports betting agent to accomplish this, trouble-free.
The great thing about a price per head shop is that it not only benefits the top bookmaker; but it also benefits its clients.
The bookie software is for the sports betting agent. And the call center and online sports betting and gaming services are for the players.
This means that a price per head shop serves as a bridge between the bookie and his customers. That’s All.
No Cash Involved Between The PPH Shop and the Players
Now, what’s most important, the Per Head Sportsbook never touches any cash. Except for the weekly price per head fee the PPH shop charges the bookie its services.
All the money transactions are between the top bookmaker and his players, including:
- Paying winners
- Collecting from Players
- Account Credit
Paying winners:
When a player rightfully wins a wager or makes cash playing casino games such as PPH Poker; the bookie must always pay these winners.
If the bookmaking agent fails to do so, he will earn a negative reputation among bettors, and this will make it more difficult for him to sign new clients for his sports betting and gaming portfolio.
Collecting from Players:
When the clients of the bookie get a negative outcome when using the services of the Per Head Sportsbook; it is the right of the bookmaking agent to collect his earnings.
Account Credit:
When it comes to the cash that is available at players’ accounts, the bookie has two options:
- Pay Before You Playing
- Credit
Pay Before Playing: This means that the player needs to provide the bookie with cash before placing wagers or playing casino games.
Credit: This is probably the most popular option, and the reason is because it is easier for sports betting agents to sign up new customers using credit.
And, the Per Head Sportsbook is not involved in this area of the business, but instead, it only provides a great data management service for the bookie and his customers.