If you want to be a good bookie, getting the right Software Pay per Head can do miracles for you…

You can avoid the stress from taking wagers non-stop…
You don’t have to waste yourself, you can let that for old school bookies…
And you can spend time with friends and family,
Or you can go out and get clients…
Whatever you want to do, what really matters is that you’re going to have the time to do it!
Software Pay per Head Benefits
Now, the Software Pay per Head comes with its own set of benefits. Here are the most important ones:
- You get to experience the freedom you always wanted
- Your players will never contact you again to get action
You get to experience the freedom you always wanted
With this tool, you can just let go…
You’re going to be happy, you’re going to have all the info you need at your fingertips, all the time…
And you can do this because this tool you can take it anywhere…
And that’s because it’s available online. There are no downloads involved.
So this means that you don’t have to use the same smartphone or laptop all the time.
You can switch devices whenever you want.
Just go online, access the website, login, and do whatever you need to do with the Software Pay per Head…
It’s as easy as that…
Software Pay per Head Reports
Now, you get to work with a bunch of great bookie software reports.
These reports are very solid, and they’re more than 15 of them.
And why you want these reports?
Simply because they make your life easier, and they make your bank account more profitable, effortlessly…
Your players will never contact you again to get action
Now, you not only get stuff for you, you also get stuff for your clients, and that’s pretty good considering the low prices you’re paying.
You’re getting them access to a bookmaking website where they can get their action by themselves…
This means that they will never contact you again to place bets!
They can just grab their smartphones, login to the website, and wager privately, and securely…
And this is a service that’s way safer than what online sportsbooks offer.
That’s because your players don’t have to provide their personal information to the PPH company.
In other words, working with you is better for players…
And this is really a factor you can use to your advantage when recruiting clients for your company.
Online Casino
Now, when you sign up, you get access to online wagering offshore services only…
And if you want a gambling solution, you need to pay an extra for it…
But with your own online casino, you’re going to make so much money, you aren’t even going to notice the extra cash you need to pay…
And you’re going to end up closing a ton of extra deals for your operation…
Why? Well because there are probably more gamblers than bettors out there…
So it may even be the case that your casino business end up being larger than your sports betting operation…
It really all depends on how massive you want your operation to get…
Personal Website
Now, when you sign up, the people at the PPH Shop is going to ask you if you want a personal website…
You must say YES to this, and here’s why:
A personal site is only for your own players.
You don’t get to pay hosting or expensive sportsbook tools, or anything like that…
All you do is to pay a ONE-TIME extra fee to the Software Pay per Head company…
Once you do this, they’re going to contact you, and they’re going to ask you what type of website you want.
This includes the address of the website, the www…
And you can also pick your favorite design…
They show you different types, and you can pick the one that you consider the best one for your players…
Now, this is a service you really want to get, because it will enhance your image as a bookie, and that way, you can get clients effortlessly…
With that said, if you’re an agent who’s just running a small operation, then you can use the standard services, for which you don’t have to pay any extras…
This includes access to the standard website of the Software Pay per Head shop…
And this is a site that’s shared by many agents and their players.
This is also a great option, but again, if you want to grow your business, you should go for the personal site as you get even more value for your money…
Call Center Access
What’s great about this online website is that it works in combination with a call center service…
This means that your players can choose what they want to do:
They can either get their action themselves online, or they contact the Software Pay per Head company, and get their bets with the help of a skilled clerk.
This is a great service for everybody, but it’s specially attractive for old school players, and also for those players that are in a rush, and really don’t have the time to go online…
Now, if you want the best experience for your customers, you need to sign up with a PPH Shop from Costa Rica.
And that’s because this is where the top PPH companies in the world are located.
So, again, if you want the most value for your and your clients for the least amount of cash, a Costa Rica PPH Shop is the best alternative…
And another great feature is that these clerks are multilingual…
So this gives you the option of signing up new clients that speaks other languages besides English, including Chinese Spanish…
And your players can also contact the PPH Shop’s call center to get info on their accounts…
All they need to do is to provide their user names and logins…
So for that reason, it’s important to let your players know that they shouldn’t share their login info with anybody…
Needless to say, if you want to grow your business fast, and in an easy way, you need to contact a Costa Rica Software Pay per Head company, and get your trial period now…