Even though you may have what it takes to become a successful sports betting bookie, there are certain limiting beliefs that can harm your perseverance.

Sports Betting Bookie: Negative Beliefs to Discard
Here is a list of the negative beliefs that we believe you must discard if you really want to attain success as a bookmaking agent:
I Lack Motivation: Motivation is key in order to continue to move in the right direction, business-wise.
If you feel that you are lacking motivation, it may be likely because there are either situations or people that are draining your energy in a negative way.
So, the real question is: are you really lacking motivation, or are you just burned out?
Take the time to review your immediate environment, and do the necessary changes.
I Procrastinate Too Much: Procrastination is not a sickness, but a symptom of one: fear.
For many individuals, it is better to avoid doing something because they don’t want to see themselves failing when doing so.
When it comes to becoming a sports betting bookie, a person may prefer to indulge in procrastination instead of giving the best of herself because at first the whole idea of running a business as an entrepreneur can be scary.
But it is exactly this “fear of failure” that people need to erase from their minds in order to give way to more positive thoughts and enhance their inner enthusiasm.
I Don’t Have Time: When you say “I don’t have time” it’s like if you were saying “I don’t want to” (a teaching by Lao Tzu).
In business, saying that you don’t have the time to do something is the same as diminishing its importance.
The reality is that you always have time to do what it needs to be done to improve your sports betting bookie business.
So, when you say that you don’t have the time, it is really because unconsciously you believe that the thing you “don’t have the time for” is not as crucial for the success of your bookmaking operation.
With that said, there may be things that you actually need to take care of, and that you have been postponing for a while.
So, it is important that you make the distinction between the things that you need to take the necessary time to do, and the ones that are rightfully judged by your subconscious.
I Don’t Have Enough Resources: The idea of lacking resources is one that can be giving you permission to remain stuck.
There are two kinds of resources: internal and external. In order to get the latter, you need to work on the former first.
This means that in order to be ready to face the challenges related to your sports betting bookie business, you need to work on improving your internal resources, including your energy levels, your willpower, and your passion.
Once your internal resources have been properly calibrated, you will be able to use your external resources more efficiently, and effectively.
It’s Too Late to Change: There is no denying in the fact that in order to become successful as a sports betting bookie, you must work with a goals system.
However, it may be the case that you started to recognize that your business plan needed some overhauling after running your wagering operation in a certain way, for a given period of time.
If this is the case, then it is never too late to change what’s necessary in order to start moving in the right direction.
I Have Too Many Responsibilities: Running a sports betting bookie business as an entrepreneur means that you will need to balance your professional and your personal lives.
Both come with their own set of responsibilities, and it is important to avoid neglecting neither of them.
In order to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed by responsibilities, don’t mix your personal and your professional matters.
And, try to deal with the former first, in order to have a fresh mind to deal with the latter in a proper way, for the sake of your sports betting bookie business.