If you’re someone who wants to start a personal business, we offer you the Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie.

And, it all really starts by hiring the services of a top offshore Pay per Head shop.
This is a company that offers offshore services to bookmaking agents.
Such services include the sportsbook software the bookmaker needs to manage his operation.
And it also includes a sports betting website and access to a call center so players can get their action without a problem.
The Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie Using PPH Solutions
Now, here are the actual Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie using Pay per Head services:
- 1.You’re your own boss
- 2.No overhead costs
- 3.Manage players and sub-agents
- 4. Two streams of income: sports betting and gaming
- 5. Protection against wiseguy action
- 6. Protection against wagering disputes
- 7. Acquire your own bookmaker brand
- 8. Manage your business from anywhere in the world
- 9. All the profits are yours
- 10. Safer than online sportsbooks
1. You’re your own boss
Being your own boss is point number one in our list of the Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie.
As a bookmaking agent, you can expect to have a lot of freedom in terms of how to run your operation.
This is especially true when you work with a top price per head shop.
The reason is because a Pay per Head company processes all the wagering and gambling action for the agent.
So you, as a top bookmaker, can basically decide what you do with all of your time.
Some agents with large sports betting and gambling operations decide to take their time to do what they want.
Others with smaller businesses see their free time as an opportunity to go outside and look for clients.
2. No overhead costs
Not paying overhead costs is second in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list.
When you work with a reputable PPH Shop, you don’t have to pay for things like office rentals.
And, you also avoid covering payrolls.
The reason is because the Pay per Head company counts with modern overseas offices in a country like Costa Rica.
And the price per head shop also counts with its own staff.
This includes professional wagering clerks, customer service reps, line movers, and floor managers.
All of these individuals basically become the employees of the bookmaker when the latter hires the services of the PPH Shop.
So, you, as an agent, can really enjoys the best services for you and your players, without having to pay for overhead costs.
3. Manage players and sub-agents
Third in our list of the Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie with price per head solutions is management.
Using the software provided by the Pay per Head shop; you can manage all the data related to your sports betting and online casino operations.
This includes full control over your players and also over your sub-agents.
You can open and close accounts at will, and set the credit amounts for your players.
And you can also set the wagering limits for each individual client, or for all of them.
Now, if you have sub-agents whom represent your operation outside your territory; the sportsbook software from the PPH Shop also allows for flawless management.
4. Two streams of income: sports betting gaming
Fourth on our list of the Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie are the different streams of income related to your operation.
Most bookies who operate by themselves; or using the help of a poor-quality PPH Shop only have access to limited wagering options.
This scenario changes when you operate with a reputable offshore price per head company.
The reason is because you get access to the best possible sports betting services.
And on top of that, you also get the option of adding a fully working online casino to your operation.
This means that you end up with two outstanding sources of income that can really make of your business a very profitable one.
5. Protection against wiseguy action
Protection against unwanted wagering and gambling action is number five in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list.
When you work with a good PPH Shop, you automatically get protected against the action of wiseguy bettors.
This means that you don’t have to worry about monitoring anything at all.
Instead, when wiseguy action is noticed, you automatically get notified so you can do what’s most convenient for your operation.
6. Protection against wagering disputes
The sixth point in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list is wagering dispute protection.
A reputable PPH Shop records all sports betting action and casino plays.
This means that when a player has a complain, the PPH Shop can check the records and verify if the player was right or not.
This is really great because it means that you, as an agent, are fully protected. And are also able to guarantee the fairness of your services.
7. Acquire your own bookmaker brand
Seventh in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list is acquiring your own bookmaker brand.
This means that you can get your own personalized sports betting and gaming site.
This includes custom domain name and site design.
It also includes a personalized toll free number for the agent.
Both the site and the 1-800 number are to be used only by the players of a single agent.
This allows you, as a bookmaker, to count with a service that allows you to enhance the image of your operation.
8. Manage your business from anywhere in the world
Mobile capabilities are number eight in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list.
When you work with a reputable PPH Shop, you and your players are able to use its Pay per Head services from anywhere in the world.
The reason is because a top price per head company works with fully mobile solutions.
Meaning that you can run your operation from your laptop or cell phone, and the same goes for your players; as they can get their action in the very same way.
9. All the profits are yours
Number nine in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie is profitability.
When you run your own operation, you really are your own boss!
And this is great because even though all the risk is in your hands, you also get to keep all the profits!
10. Safer than online sportsbooks
Last but not least in our Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie list is player safety.
When one of your customers places bets with a PPH Shop, all they must provide is a user name and password.
And, the actual information about the player always remains offline, and in the hands of the bookmaker.
This is different than online sportsbooks, whom require the credit card data and the actual name of the player to process his action.
This means that working with a Pay per Head bookmaker is definitely safer for players.
Considering the above information related to the Top 10 Reasons to Become a Bookie, you should doubtlessly consider contacting a top PPH Shop to get started with your bookmaking career.