
How To Be Safe From Hacker’s Attack?

There are always news about accounts being hacked all over the world. What does it mean? This means that many people neglect the importance of cybersecurity because most of hackers’ tricks are actually preventable. Therefore, you should understand how your account might be compromised and you need to be better prepared to secure your data and future action. In fact, the purpose of this article is to teach you some simple steps to take right now and then you will be safe from any hacker’s attack. What we mean “to be safe” is to protect your account from intrusion by someone not given permission to access it. So, continue reading to learn how to protect yourself more from online threats.

Good passwords is necessary

You should know that passwords are actually the key to open the lock if you imagine your online accounts as a safe box. Since the lock is the most vulnerable part but the only access to the safe box, key becomes even more important to protect. In other words, your passwords are the most powerful tool in your fight against account intrusion. As a result, starting to use good passwords is the very first step for you to stop hackers from stealing your important personal data. 

Use antivirus software

Another common hacker’s attack is through the malware. Malware is something that can be added to your device’s memory and intends to steal your information or cause damages in the worst case. And hackers can easily attach malware through any Java applets, add-ons or downloads and then secretly steal your credentials without knowing. Therefore, our recommendation here is to get a good reliable antivirus program and update your software constantly. Besides, remember not to download anything if it’s not from a trustworthy source.

Be careful with phishing emails

It could happen to you at any moment to get an email that looks just like the ones you normally receive from the financial entities such as banks, Paypal, etc. Those emails usually contain some links to lead you accessing a legitimate-looking website and then lure you to input your PIN, credit card numbers, account passwords and other details. So, you should be extra careful with the websites you visit and try to avoid to share your information for something valuable such as winning lottery, big prize or free cash. 

Make your security question stronger

If there is someone who is trying to reset your passwords, this person has to go through the step of security questions. In fact, security questions are just like the second level of enhancement to protect your accounts. Therefore, do not choose the weak questions such as “What is your mother’s last name?” or “What is your pet’s name?” Because such information is incredibly easy to find online and hackers can effortlessly crack it and steal your stuff.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay